Greta Bolger
Begin the day in darkness with a glinting blade in reach,
mind churning wildly, dashed by splashing crashing violent sea.
Greta Bolger
Begin the day in darkness with a glinting blade in reach,
mind churning wildly, dashed by splashing crashing violent sea.
Antonia Clark
It’s a misnomer, the experts say,
not a tide but a current, a long flowing
muscle of water with an iron grip
Suellen Wedmore
I promise: She’s a survivor, this brickwork tower,
the sea surging, steeple-high waves thundering toward us,
the wind around us roaring like a fire gone wild.
Brandon Kilbourne
Like your irises’ rivaling sapphire,
blue waves shield what impels and inhabits.
Brian Edwards
How they whooped and howled, those upper airs,
suddenly accountable to gravity.